Any large company must deal with loads of paperwork that must be
completed within a stipulated time. If the paperwork is manageable by one
employee then there is no problem but what about the workload that requires
detailing and the smallest mistake that can ruin it? Such scenarios are
especially common in large firms that have a huge amount of day to day data to
take care of.
The Principle of Time and
Attendance Software
As important it is to have everything right in the time and
attendance, it becomes even more important for this information to be correct.
When big companies have to retrieve the time and attendance details of
employees, the Human Resource is bound to make mistakes for the simple fact
that they might end up making an error which can result in a huge loss. This is
why manually sorting time and attendance is not only a tedious and risky task,
but it is time consuming. Moreover, there are many instance of a proxy
punching. Yes, that happens a lot. Just like you had the proxies for your
college classes, you have buddy punching in the corporate world. Where the
friend of one of your employers has punched and marked the attendance on
his/her behalf so that they don’t lose out on the pay.
To reduce the redundancy of the time and attendance operation, a new,
virtual technology has emerged. With this technology we get precise results
because it cannot be tampered, and there is no scope for human error.
How it Works?
The time recorded or the attendance clocked is entered in the system
with the help of biometrics and proximity machines. It is an accurate way of
keeping the data records correct and no buddy punching is possible, because
biometrics is indigenous to a person. This technology has evolved over time
with fingerprint, hand scan, retina scan and of course the facial recognition.
Another important method that helps in recording the time and
attendance is of course the proximity clocking. Every employer has a unique
serial number which ensures that there is no fraud in the system and only that particular
individual can clock in and clock out with their cards.
So, which technology suits your company better? This can only be
answered by you. But it has been proved through recent studies that having a
digital time and attendance software can actually help your company in saving
up 80% of the administration time.
The digital time and attendance software can give you complete access
of whatever your employees are up to. Moreover, you get to track their absence
trends without losing the actual information and record. This technology can
reduce complex methods to store information and give you every kind of leverage
on the functioning of your company.
Today, companies are rapidly adopting this innovative, affordable, and
easy-to-install time and attendance tracking software for tracking their
employees’ productivity and simplifying their HR operations by managing
attendance on a digital platform instead of the bulk paper work.
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